Five short stories
Table of contents
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Life, love, a kangaroo pouch and the rock in the surf of life
You live like in a kangaroo pouch that you keep flying out of. At a certain age you should be a bit wiser - an “old” wise man (not to be confused with an old white man), wise, blessed with experience.
Well, you can try, that's how it starts, and then you live in this sack from which you occasionally fly out and land on your nose, you can also call it ... call it “life” for short.
Experiences are there to ... to do better next time !!! ... well, if it wasn't for the kangaroo - all too often you forget your experiences when it counts, and you fall flat on your face again.
Life gives up tasks, even if it's just one task - life says: “master me”, then everything will be fine.
Let's let the kangaroo jump away and devote ourselves to life on the ground of facts or reality in order to be able to master life. Put the rose-colored glasses aside and start solving the problem.
We pick a topic and start researching it. The difficulty is that we only deal with one topic, but life contains everything you can do right and wrong. Experience is ultimately necessary in all areas, and new areas are constantly being added.
The question is whether you have actually experienced everything in a lifetime of, say, 60 years to be considered wise. I think you can be 150 years old and still not be a "wise man", basically ... When a new situation arises, you stand there, if you can still stand, with 150 years of life experience and look, like a pig at a socket, and think "just another pig ... hiding in the wall though". But it's not that simple.
Our topic:
Women and men and "true" love
Women and men are two species that couldn't be more different. Okay, they both belong to the human category. Although things are usually quite harmonious in this relationship between men and women, problems can arise. But are there problems? Or do you forget that everyday life comes after the rose-colored glasses - do you confuse problems with everyday life?
Eternal jokes are not part of the problem, but they can be quite amusing:
What is a man between two women ... an educational gap. Very funny, then a woman between two men is probably a crumple zone.
Okay, I'll stop, there are thousands of these jokes, but I don't want this to be an issue.
Man & Woman
Frustration, love, true love! Problems?!
After the rose-colored glasses have been lost, everyday life sets in. Now, in this situation, the first big test arises ... Can the new relationship survive everyday life? In most cases, yes, but in other cases - and they do exist - the partners don't recognize each other. Certainly one or two relationships fall victim to the truth during this time, but most of them last, at least for the time being.
Does true love exist? Certainly! If you don't just "love" your partner on a sexual basis or for the sake of money. As they say, sex isn't everything, but of course it's part of it.
Love at first sight?
Yes, it really does exist!
What love is now and in what form you feel attracted to the other person is, however, very extensive.
Problems within a partnership also go hand in hand with love, meaning that problems can also arise within a well-functioning partnership, but these are not necessarily seen as a issue by either side, but ... It is simply part of it. And as the saying goes ... "a thunderstorm clears the air".
A difference of opinion is not a problem but, at least sometimes, a necessity.
True love knows this too.
True love is love for the other in every phase of time. Conditions arise of their own accord, but they are conditions that are not imposed, they are simply given. "The pot fits the lid" you could say.
True love is the rock in the surf of life, you trust each other unconditionally, you love each other unconditionally. You understand the other person without words ...
Problems that you create or that are simply there should be discussed and not hushed up. The latter does not exist with true love; through boundless trust, every issue can be overcome.
Issues that arise are countless, true love makes them meaningless.
If you fail, it was never true love but a kind of "love makes you blind" or "love makes you stupid". The kangaroo from the beginning of the text sends its regards.
Don't mess it up, don't be blinded by love but love each other with a watchful eye and from the bottom of your heart. Be the rock in each other's lives.
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Photo or painting? And why stepmother?
Nowadays, many things are edited so that you can no longer recognize them. This is a photo that has been edited and turned into a painting.
You can make what is depicted more beautiful or uglier, in this case I think that the beauty has only become more beautiful. The photo was taken on a whim, but the "pansies" were literally crying out for it.
But why the name stepmother for the depicted plant in German?
The English and Portuguese language is much simpler, it has nothing to do with the stepmother.
In English it is called "Pansy" and has nothing to do with the stepmother, in Portuguese it is called "Pensativo" and not "Madrasta".
The Germans, as always of course, go their own way and call the plant Stiefmütterchen (Stepmother or Madrasta).
Why it drags the poor woman into it in German raises questions. Why Stepmother? The Germans want an explanation for everything and this is what they come up with:
"It's supposed to be the arrangement of the leaves ... the stepdaughters are covered by the stepmother, the stepdaughters in turn cover their stepsisters ... or vice versa or something like that."
At least one explanation, but you have to think it up first. And what do "stepsisters and stepdaughters" have to do with it? Perhaps you have a sensible explanation of why in German it refers to the innocent stepmother and her children, whether "stepchildren or your own". Or more generally, what the "stepmother / pensativo / pansy" means to you, or in your language area.
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Dog flower, dandelion or cow flower or, or ...
You can work your way through German plant names very well, but the dandelion was beyond my imagination.
In some cases there is no correct translation at all ...
Butter flower, butter plug, common lion's tooth, dog flower, chain herb, cow flower, lantern flower, lion's tooth, May cane, milk cane, monk's flower, puff flower, cream cane, seed flower, lard lead, meadow lettuce
Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia (botanical, Latin)
In German ...
Butterblume, Butterstecker, Gewöhnlicher Löwenzahn, Hundeblume, Kettenkraut, Kuhblume, Laternenblume, Löwenzahn, Maistock, Milchstock, Mönchsblume, Pusteblume, Rahmstock, Saublume, Schmalzbleaml, Wiesenlattich
Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia
One plant and 16 names for it + one botanical
There is a plausible explanation for the dandelion (german: lion's tooth): the lower petals are reminiscent of a lion's teeth. Okay, okay, I'll just leave it at that. Although "plausible" ??!?? The person who came up with this has never seen a real lion or the cat's teeth ... oh well, never mind.
The name butter flower makes things a little more confusing, because there is also a butter flower that is colloquially called butter fower, but has nothing in common with the dog or lion, or even with the monk.
This is where the German diversity comes into play, every area, every "Depp" (not Johnny) calls the thing differently ... it depends on the season. That doesn't explain the 16 names, because there are only twelve months and four seasons, but it does make it a bit clearer, especially as Germany has 16 federal states. The dandelion is actually always the dandelion that develops a little ball (as in the photo) after flowering, you can blow on it and the ball splits into its individual parts.
A word about "Depp", as I said it has nothing to do with the actor, although he has German roots as well as Irish and Indian. In German, the word Depp means "simple-minded, clumsy person, fool". I wonder if Johnny knows that? 🤔
But what do the dog, the sow and the monk have to do with it? What name do you give this yellow flower? ... and, above all, why? The why concerns the colloquial names.
In the Latin or botanical language it is more consistent and clearer... One name and that's it.
Write in the comments!
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Campfire and sour fruit ice
The heating is broken, it's winter, what does a family man or anyone else do? He calls in a handyman to repair it.
With moderate success, because the heating is completely broken and can no longer be repaired. Okay, the money is there, and it's cold, so he sits down on his sofa in his winter clothes and thick gloves and browses the internet for something new. He's annoyed because it's too cold in his house. He's annoyed because his children look like icicles and his wife looks like fruit ice.
But the fruit ice is sour, why? Well, because women sometimes tend to freeze, and then the fruit ice looks quite delicious ... but it's sour!
He doesn't like the fact that the icicles are building a snowman in the kitchen. So something has to be done.
He thinks about making a campfire. But a campfire in the apartment would probably not be a good idea and, above all, the faulty heating would be the least of his problems afterward.
So far, so good. He discovers a cheap heating system. It looks good, but it has to heat and provide warmth, have low consumption and so on. He does a little research and decides on a ... Delivery / installation ... in a week at the earliest! Thanks a lot but also ...
This isn't a real story, but it just occurred to me because it's very cold in my apartment at the moment.
Problem: I have a fireplace, but I've run out of wood.
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The talking car
I'm going to the garage next week ... so I wanted to tidy up my car a bit. To get better access everywhere, I wanted to drive back a bit ...
I pressed start ...
It didn't start, but asked me
"What can I do for you?"
How? What???? I've probably never looked so stupid!
Because it asked again, I replied, "Clean yourself up!"
Okay, it didn't really want to do it, but gave me suggestions about whether it should turn on the radio or the navigation system or ...
Now there's also a ghost in the car, I've had it for just under 4 years, now it's starting to talk .... It has never spoken before.
Female voice, very friendly, but why 4 years of silence? Okay, the older the girls get, the more they babble, but why only after 4 years.
After I said "turn on the radio", the radio came on ... and the engine started too.
Since today, I really have a completely different view of my car ...
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A little quatrain for relaxation …
I am with you wherever you are
Even if you go for a walk alone, you should know that my love accompanies you everywhere.
When you look at nature, enjoy it.
Behind the mountains and the sea, a heart full of love is waiting for you.
Listen to the song of the birds, listen to the silence of nature, listen to the sound of your heart. ❤️
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© Copyright by J. Winkler
Translation & cover design: J. Winkler - Art my way | All rights reserved

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