I don't know what I'm doing, you might think, but in a way it's true.
What do I do when everything fundamentally wrong, what do I do when I'm faced with closed doors, what?

I don't know! Even though a lot of things didn't go as planned here in Portugal, I'm heading into an even more unknowable future.
I couldn't plan many things, why? Because there was simply no thought. What do you want to plan when there's nothing there, the famous plan B is not available.
Even if doors open when I knock, this cannot, will not and should not be a permanent solution.
I have to catch myself and do what I think is right, in the middle of it all my first book appears, even if it's not extensive but it's a step. The Odyssey will be a template for other things, a book yes, but combined with an online diary is time-consuming but it has a certain appeal. I have no problem revealing my private thoughts and my life up to a certain point.
I want to realize myself, it's my life.
I have nothing to lose, I can only win. I don't play the lottery, life is my lottery ticket, my source, my nightmare or my happiness.

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