The preparations are quickly explained. My furniture was planned for sale right from the start. The problem is and was ... if you buy solid furniture in Germany and sell it in Portugal, you're a bit out of luck. A lot of things are cheaper in Portugal and people bargain until they drop. The falling over refers to the fact that at some point you say, okay, take it and that's it. So you give up and give the furniture away, so to speak. I think that even if you give it away, people still trade it.

Once this has all been sold or given away, there is nothing to stop you from leaving the country. As a European, you are free to move wherever you want within the EU, unless you are moving into an apartment, in which case you should register accordingly. Here in Portugal, you need a NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal or simply your personal Portuguese tax number) to get an apartment in the first place.
You can stay anywhere and nowhere. If you spend more than 6 months in one place, sooner or later you have a duty to say hello to the authorities. But what they don't know doesn't make them hot. If you have a job, you have to register.
At the moment I'm still sitting on my sofa, the good piece still has to be brought to the man or woman.

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