The Odyssey is, on the one hand, an attempt to master things under adverse circumstances. On the other hand, of course, it is a real story that is happening right now.
Intentional? Well, you have to see it that way, because the desire for Portugal was clear on the one hand, but was never unchallenged. Things that you think are good at first can change.
Portugal is and remains a great country, but for my life it is rather a hindrance.
At almost 62, it's also an adventure, if I had just left it as it is, it would have been …too easy.

Private events, which, from a very sober point of view, are all in a row, are ultimately a reason, but so is the desire to live.
I may be using this odyssey to write a book about it, but these events, the actions, the consequences are real.
Real enough to make you realize whether and for how long you can get your life back on track after just one decision.
It will take time, sure, it will be hard, but it is the point that I have chosen for myself. Realizing this is an adventure, a stage of life that I have imposed on myself.
Where is the end? I see it as an adventure, but also as a challenge to live things that everyone wants to avoid. I am me, I have decided it.
Destination? Well, if you look at the Odyssey and include Odysseus, the end point is Odysseus' home and his beloved Penelope.
Almost everything is different from Odysseus, except that I also want to see my safe haven and my “Penelope” again and live there. It won't take 10 years like it did for Odysseus, because I set and can set boundaries for myself.
Where exactly this safe harbor is, and who “Penelope” is on my odyssey ... You'll find out one day.
One last remark. This is and remains the only self-experiment, at some point you might be too old after all, or you simply don't feel like it anymore. The, at the latest, end point of the "odyssey" is set and that is my 63rd birthday on January 27, 2026.

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