"Ulysses only had a few days with his Penelope before the Odyssey began. A beautiful time with a beautiful woman in a beautiful country."
I miss her very much, this woman and the time we had together. It was like a dream for me and I suddenly woke up in a dreary world ... Germany.
The odyssey was planned, wanted and necessary. Nevertheless, there are thoughts of giving up everything and returning to France, but the time is not yet ripe.
"Odysseus and Penelope endure this separation; in the end, their love will only grow stronger."

But I am not Odysseus and the woman is not Penelope, but we both want the odyssey to end as it began: in each other's arms. Hand in hand into a happy, contented future.
The odyssey, as mentioned, is necessary but not infinite. We know when the time has come, we know that we will be together.
Why this test? A little more patience! The secret is revealed and is not really exciting. The exciting part is what happens during the odyssey!

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