On the first of September, I crossed the French/German border at 13:30 and was back in my home country. With the firm belief ... everything will be fine.

Nothing is good ... In my opinion, Germany is far behind other European countries. It starts with a prepaid phone card. As far as I know, they're available everywhere in Europe. You come into the country and get one "on every corner". Plug it in ... make phone calls and surf the Internet. Just the way it should be.
Germany wants to be a pioneer for everything ... In 2024, it is becoming increasingly clear that this is not the case. And to stay with the pioneer ... in parts of South America alone, there is free Wi-Fi (5G) on every bus. Germany knows what 5G is, but that's about it. Coverage below 5G is not really any better. In rural areas, only the tried and tested smoke signals help.
Now we're digressing, but let's stick to the prepaid card. In short, foreigners don't get one if they don't live in Germany, and as a German passport holder, I'm no different. No phone card without a German address ... The German must live in Germany, otherwise he is probably a foreigner. But regardless of whether he has an apartment, he should also have an identity card, otherwise the sim card still won't work.
Even if the Odyssey is not the Titanic, some things are already crystallizing, but not into an iceberg.
I arrived 5 days ago and nothing is really working as expected. I didn't see the phone card as a problem and that alone makes me despair ... because the internet is the main artery for my work.
These delays are very problematic for the presentation of the Odyssey.

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